DNA Buffalo Turf For Sydney Lawns

Sir Walter Buffalo DNA – Sydney’s Perfect Lawn

When it comes to a family-friendly luscious lawn for your Sydney home. There are two things you need to consider.

  • Can your chosen turf deal with a lot of foot traffic? Will it forgive kids and pets playing on it and regrow quickly, or will it flounder under such conditions?
  • Will it make you and your family happy, or will it cause you to sneeze and wheeze?

Sir Walter (DNA Certified) repairs itself

Dog may be man’s best friend but that doesn’t mean your pet and your lawn will get on famously. Pets are prone to digging and scratching and sometimes your garden and lawn will come off second best.

Children love walking  and running around on a soft luxurious lawn —and who can blame them?!— and lawns make an excellent setting for sports of all kinds.

Is your lawn area a high traffic area? Is it constantly being walked upon by your kids, visitors, pets and others? Then you need a lawn that can not only tolerate such punishment but can thrive under these challenging conditions.

DNA Certified Sir Walter Buffalo was bred here in Australia for Australian conditions and Australian lifestyles.

Sir Walter Buffalo is a soft-leafed buffalo grass that actually repairs itself. Because of Sir Walter Buffalo’s tight habit, it actually holds out most weeds and can quickly repair itself if damaged resulting in fewer bare patches.

DNA Certified Sir Walter is low allergenic

Allergy sufferers can know how painful life can become once spring comes along; as day-to-day life can be quickly reduced to sniffling, sneezing and coughing.

But did you know that some grasses are much lower allergenic than others? Sir Walter is low allergenic. Sir Walter Buffalo’s leaf blades are ‘soft’ and smooth, unlike more traditional varieties of Buffalo grass – which used to make you itch!

Examined under a microscope you can see that Sir Walter’s leaf blades are much smoother than than other varieties.

Allergenic Grass  Non-Allergenic Grass

Hay fever sufferers will be delighted to know that Sir Walter Buffalo is a low allergy alternative to many other turfs and has substantially less pollen.

A whole new way of life

When you buy DNA Certified Sir Walter, you’re not just buying a new lawn, you’re buying a whole new way of life and a whole new lifestyle for your family and pets.

No more need for signs imploring visitors to ‘stay off the lawn’, you can now enjoy your luxuriously green Sydney lawn in the knowledge that it can handle the day to day wear and tear while it repairs itself, and without contributing to hay fever and other allergies.

Learn more about DNA Certified Sir Walter Buffalo

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