Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo Turf – Sydney & Australia’s #1 lawn choice
Sir Walter Buffalo turf is a broad-leaved grass variety that is preferred by many Sydney & Australian homes because of its lush and luxurious look, and it’s ability to grow with as little as 3 hours of sunlight a day. It also has many other qualities that put it well ahead of other lawn breeds.
Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo looks amazing
If you need to create a visual impact with your lawn, then Sir Walter Buffalo won’t disappoint. It has a thick, verdant and uniquely luxurious look that makes every lawn feel professionally landscaped. It keeps its deep green colour year-round, unlike other varieties which can turn brown or a shade of purple in winter.
It’s tolerant to shade
If you have a smaller block with a larger house, or simply your yard doesn’t get much sun, then Sir Walter turf is the obvious choice because of it’s shade tolerance. Unlike Kikuyu or Couch grass, Sir Walter Buffalo turf will thrive in as little as 3 hours sun a day.
Perfect grass for kids & pets
Sir Walter Buffalo turf can cope with quite a lot of wear, and it recovers quickly if damaged. If you have an active back yard with pets and kids, then you will find Sir Walter DNA certified is hard to beat.
It has been tested and verified as non-allergenic and it does not grow seeds unless stressed or let to grow too long. With a soft leaf blade, it does not cause itchiness after coming into contact with the skin.
A weed and disease resistant lawn
With a thick growth habit, Sir Walter DNA certified can out-compete and crowd-out most weeds, particularly in the warmer months. It is not prone to fungus or diseases like other varieties. Ultimately this means you spend less time worrying about maintenance.
Maintaining Sir Walter Buffalo DNA Certified
Sir Walter requires a moderate amount of maintenance for best results.
- You should fertilise 3 or 4 times a year, with a quality nitrogen-based fertiliser such as Sir Walter Fertiliser
- Mow it in summer once every 1 – 2 weeks, and less in other months.
Generally speaking, once established Sir Walter buffalo turf requires less watering than other varieties. It will survive with minimal water even due to it’s drought tolerant properties.
Sir Walter Buffalo turf does not naturally thatch up, so you should not need to become concerned with inconvenient de-thatching methods. It is non-invasive, so it’ll also stay out of your garden beds too!
Before Sir Walter Turf DNA Certified
Before Sir Walter, Buffalo grass was always slow to establish, suffered poor colour retention and gave thousands of Aussie kids annoying itchy rashes. But it was a popular post-war choice of grass in Australia. It maintained its popularity right up to the 1950s because of its tough blade structure, heat tolerance and, above all, low water consumption.
Kikuyu was another popular grass variety initially imported as a rapid growing cow feed. But in the 1960s it became favoured as a cheap lawn solution. Far from being the budget saviour of lawns in Australia, it wasn’t long before it turned into an invasive noxious weed taking over much of the eastern coast.
Dealing with shade
During the 1990s housing trends changed and the existing lawn varieties struggled to adapt. Houses became larger, blocks became smaller and the traditional Aussie lawn became smaller too. Larger houses meant that suddenly lawns had to deal with shade and extreme heat all at the same time.
The solution to these issues appeared from the United States in the form of new varieties of grass, however while these initially promised great things, they often suffered in the harsh Australian environmental conditions.
Shademaster, the first soft leaf buffalo grass, revitalised the lawn market and paved the way for locally engineered turf products. The wide leaves of buffalo means that it photosynthesises very well and survives in shadier spots than other varieties can.
The birth of Sir Walter Buffalo Turf DNA Certified – the best all-rounder, hands down
The future arrived in 1996 with the arrival of a grass that was more resilient to disease, pests and fungus than other grasses. It’s drought tolerant, thrived in shade and sun and stayed green and lush throughout the year. It was called Sir Walter.
15 years down the line and following extensive testing, thousands of lawn installations and some of the harshest weather conditions to date, Sir Walter DNA certified continues to thrive.
It has shrugged off humidity related funguses, extreme water restrictions, shade tolerance, insects, lawn grubs and weeds where other varieties would not have survived. Sir Walter really is the best home lawn.
Sir Walter buffalo turf is a hard wearing, but beautiful soft leaf buffalo and it remains Australia’s no. 1.
Sir Walter Turf Product Overview – Jason Hodges
Sir Walter DNA Certified can be installed year-round in Australia, establishing quickly in warmer months and taking longer in winter. Consult your local supplier for cooler regions.
Key installation tips:
- Install immediately after delivery.
- Lay on a 100mm bed of quality turf underlay.
- Use Lawn Solutions Australia Lawn Launcher.
- Roll turf for soil contact.
- Soak turf for 10-14 days or until established.
- Reduce irrigation once established, watering only when dry.
- Minimize irrigation in cooler months to prevent waterlogging.
Learn More About Sir Walter Turf & Initial Care
Congratulations on preparing your area and selecting your turf variety! Now it’s time to install and, most importantly, care for your new lawn. Follow the Grech’s Turf Best Practice Guidelines for a successful lawn. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Care Team.
Sir Walter DNA Certified can be installed year-round in Australia, establishing quickly in warmer months and taking longer in winter. Consult your local supplier for cooler regions.
Key installation tips:
- Install immediately after delivery.
- Lay on a 100mm bed of quality turf underlay.
- Use Lawn Solutions Australia Lawn Launcher.
- Roll turf for soil contact.
- Soak turf for 10-14 days or until established.
- Reduce irrigation once established, watering only when dry.
- Minimize irrigation in cooler months to prevent waterlogging.
Sir Walter DNA Certified turf can be mowed at 20-60mm, with rotary mowers being ideal, though cylinder mowers also work well. Remove clippings to prevent sunlight blockage, but mulch mowing is acceptable if clippings are thin. In winter, keep the lawn slightly longer.
Key tips:
- Use sharp mower blades.
- Avoid cutting more than a third of the leaf blade at a time, except when dethatching.
- Dethatch in late spring.
- Remove clippings after each mow to prevent thatch buildup.
Sir Walter DNA Certified is low-maintenance but needs regular fertilizing to stay healthy and green.
Key tips:
- Use Lawn Solutions Australia fertilizer, applying 20-25g per square meter.
- Fertilize three times a year: late spring, mid to late summer, and late autumn.
- Always water after fertilizing.
- For new lawns, fertilize after the first mow.
- To keep color year-round, fertilize in late autumn and use Colourguard PLUS every 10-12 weeks until spring.
Weed & Pest Control
Weed and Pest Control for Sir Walter DNA Certified:
- Regular fertilizing helps keep weeds at bay by maintaining a dense, healthy lawn.
- High nitrogen levels deter most weeds.
- Monitor for pests and use preventative pesticides like Acelepryn GR.
- Most commercial weed and pest control products are safe, except Weed ‘n’ Feed. Always check labels and consult your Lawn Solutions Australia grower for recommendations.
Customer Reviews
- Click here to download the Sir Walter brochure
- Click here to download the Sir Walter DNA certified spec sheet
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