Grech’s Top Turf Fertiliser



Grech’s Fertiliser is a nitrogen, potassium & phosphorous based fertiliser that will give your lawn the nutrients it needs to keep it looking great.


Grech’s Fertiliser is a nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous based fertiliser that will give your lawn the nutrients it needs to get through the harsh winter months with a minimum of discolouration.

Spread one kilo of the fertiliser for each squre 10 metres of your lawn. Each lawn variety will require fertilising at different intervals, but usually between 2 and 4 times per year.

It’s advisable to use a spreader to get an even coverage, then to water-in the fertiliser, or spread it while it is raining. Doing so will ensure the granules don’t burn the lawn.

10kg bag ..

Additional information

Weight 11 kg